Let's Talk Preprocessors & Postprocessors

Let's Talk Preprocessors & Postprocessors

Modern web development relies on various tools to make coding more efficient, maintainable, and optimised. Two key tools that help developers write better code are preprocessors and postprocessors.

While preprocessors allow developers to write code using advanced features that are then compiled into standard code, postprocessors modify the output code to improve performance and compatibility.

Let’s first explore preprocessors before moving on to postprocessors.

What is a Preprocessor?

A preprocessor is a tool that enhances a programming language by introducing extra features like variables, loops, and automation. This enhanced code is then converted into a standard format that can be understood by the target environment (such as a browser, compiler, or interpreter) before execution.

Think of it like this:

Writing in shorthand saves time, but before submitting your work, you convert it into full sentences so that everyone can read it. Similarly, a preprocessor allows developers to write code in a more structured and flexible way, then translates it into a format that can be executed.

The term "preprocessor" comes from the fact that it processes code before compilation or execution.

Benefits of a Preprocessor

  1. Better Code Organisation:
    Preprocessors allow the use of features like variables, nesting, and reusable functions, making code more structured.

  2. Avoid Repetition:
    By defining styles, functions, or logic once and reusing them throughout the project, preprocessors help eliminate redundancy and keep the code DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself).

  3. Write Cleaner Code:
    Preprocessors reduce clutter by enabling concise syntax, resulting in code that is easier to read and understand.

  4. Improve Maintainability:
    With features like global variables and reusable components, updating styles or logic across an entire project becomes quick and efficient, saving time and effort.

Examples of Preprocessors

LanguagePreprocessor ExamplesFeatures
CSSSASS, LESS, StylusVariables, mixins, nesting
HTMLPug, HAMLTemplating, loops, conditionals
JavaScriptTypeScriptStatic typing

Practical Example 1: CSS Preprocessor (SASS)

Imagine you're writing styles for a website, and you need to use the same brand color in multiple places.

Without SASS (Vanilla CSS):

.button {
  background-color: #3498db;
.card {
  background-color: #3498db;

If you want to change the color, you have to update every occurrence manually.

With SASS (Preprocessed CSS ):

With a preprocessor like SASS in SCSS syntax, you can define variables and reuse them throughout your styles:

$primary-color: #3498db;

.button {
  background-color: $primary-color;

.card {
  background-color: $primary-color;

Now, changing $primary-color updates all instances automatically.

Practical Example 2: HTML Preprocessor (Pug)

Let’s say you're displaying a list of products, each with a name, price, and description.

Without Pug (Vanilla HTML):

You’d have to write the same HTML structure for every product:

<div class="product">
  <h2>Product 1</h2>
  <p>Price: GHS10</p>
  <p>Description: A great product!</p>

<div class="product">
  <h2>Product 2</h2>
  <p>Price: GHS20</p>
  <p>Description: Another great product!</p>

<div class="product">
  <h2>Product 3</h2>
  <p>Price: GHS30</p>
  <p>Description: Yet another great product!</p>

If you want to add or remove products, you have to manually edit the HTML, which is tedious and prone to errors.

With Pug (Preprocessed HTML):

Pug allows you to use loops to dynamically generate the product list and mixins to define a reusable template for each product.

//- Define a reusable mixin for a product card
mixin productCard(product)
    h2= product.name
    p Price: GHS#{product.price}
    p Description: #{product.description}

//- Define the list of products
- const products = [
-   { name: "Product 1", price: 10, description: "A great product!" },
-   { name: "Product 2", price: 20, description: "Another great product!" },
-   { name: "Product 3", price: 30, description: "Yet another great product!" }
- ]

//- Loop through the products and render each one using the mixin
each product in products

How It Works:

  1. Reusability with Mixins:

    • The mixin productCard(product) block defines a reusable template for a product card. It takes a product object as input and generates the HTML for that product.

    • This eliminates repetition and makes it easy to update the product card structure in one place.

  2. Loops:

    • The each product in products loop iterates over the products array.

    • For each product, it calls the +productCard(product) mixin to generate the HTML.

Now, let’s move on to postprocessors.

What is a Postprocessor?

A postprocessor is a tool that modifies code after it has been compiled or generated. Unlike preprocessors, which add extra features before compilation, postprocessors enhance, optimize, and clean up the final output to improve performance, compatibility, and readability.

Think of it like this:

After writing an essay, you proofread, correct grammar mistakes, and format it before submission. Similarly, a postprocessor refines code after it has been compiled or generated, ensuring it’s polished and ready for execution.

The term "postprocessor" comes from the fact that it processes code after compilation or generation, but before execution, to ensure the output is optimized and production-ready.

Benefits of a Postprocessor

  1. Automatic Enhancements:
    Postprocessors can add necessary adjustments without requiring manual changes in the source code.

  2. Cross-Browser Compatibility:
    Tools like Autoprefixer add missing vendor prefixes, ensuring CSS works across different browsers.

  3. Performance Optimisation:
    Postprocessors can minify CSS, optimise images, and remove unused code to improve page load times.

  4. Code Consistency:
    They help enforce best practices by reformatting styles, organising rules, and eliminating redundant code.

Examples of Postprocessors

LanguagePostprocessor ExamplesFeatures
CSSAutoprefixer, PurgeCSS, PostCSSVendor prefixes, minification, dead code removal
JavaScriptBabel (in some cases), UglifyJS, TerserCode minification, optimisation, polyfills
HTMLHTMLMinifierCompression, whitespace removal, optimisation

Practical Example 1: CSS Postprocessor (Autoprefixer)

Imagine you're writing CSS for animations, but some browsers require vendor prefixes for compatibility.

Without a Postprocessor (Vanilla CSS):

.button {
  display: flex;
  transition: transform 0.3s;


  • Older browsers like Internet Explorer and Safari may not support display: flex or transition without prefixes.

With Autoprefixer (Postprocessed CSS):

.button {
  display: -webkit-box;
  display: -ms-flexbox;
  display: flex;
  -webkit-transition: transform 0.3s;
  transition: transform 0.3s;

Autoprefixer automatically adds vendor prefixes, ensuring the CSS works across all major browsers without requiring manual fixes.

Practical Example 2: JavaScript Postprocessor (Terser for Minification)

When deploying a web app, you want to reduce file size and improve performance by minifying JavaScript.

Without a Postprocessor (Vanilla JavaScript - Unminified):

function greet(name) {
  console.log("Hello, " + name + "!");

Problem: This code takes up unnecessary space, and for large projects, unminified JavaScript slows down load times.

With Terser (Postprocessed Minified JavaScript):

function greet(n){console.log("Hello, "+n+"!")}greet("World");

Terser automatically removes spaces, shortens variable names, and optimizes the script, making it smaller and faster to load.

Preprocessors vs. Postprocessors

When It RunsBefore compilation or executionAfter compilation but before execution
PurposeAdds new features and automationOptimizes, enhances, and fixes final output
ExamplesSASS, TypeScript, PugAutoprefixer, Terser, PurgeCSS
What It AffectsImproves development workflowImproves performance and compatibility

In Conclusion,

Both preprocessors and postprocessors enhance web development, but they serve different purposes.

  • Preprocessors improve developer experience, making code easier to write, read, and maintain.

  • Postprocessors optimise browser compatibility and performance, ensuring better execution.

By using both, developers can write cleaner, more maintainable code while ensuring that their final output is optimised and compatible with all environments.